Tuesday 22 July 2014

5 Months!!

Exploring his Excersaucer

I want to eat this......

Loves his baths still. So handsome. 

LOVES LOVES jumping!

These are my favourite pictures since his newborn pics. I LOVE how happy he is, and this is one of my favourite outfits :)

Best smile ever!

"Mom, a little help here?"

5 months already! We are having such an amazing time with this little fella. He is so happy, and loves to laugh and smile. He just brightens up our lives. We've had a great month. Aaron and I went to swimming lessons for a week and a half. He seemed to really enjoy it. We have also been camping a few times, and had a visit with John's Dad and Pauline. They are coming back this weekend from their trip, and we can't wait to have another visit with them. We've been going for lots of walks with the dogs, and playing out on the back deck.  His sleeping is still pretty good; bed by 7-8, up between 7-8 and wakes anywhere between 1-4 times a night. It could be worse! And his naps are slowly getting a bit more regular. He currently loves to nap in his swing and passes out instantly in the stroller. We also went to the zoo again. This trip was much better than the first time, where he pooped all over me and was generally unhappy. He's getting strong at sitting up! We are practicing every morning with the pillow behind him. We are going for 6 month pictures at the beginning of September and I'm hoping he will be sitting by then! He is also rolling over! He rolls from his tummy to back with ease. We can't do tummy time any more, as he just instantly rolls to his back. He can make it half way from his back to tummy. It's just a matter of time before he masters that as well! He also learned how to turn his crib aquarium on himself! It is the absolute cutest thing to hear the music in the monitor and then him singing to it. We sneak into his room and he's just happy, watching the fish swim around!

5 Months
- 19 pounds!
- Size 3 diapers. Going to try size 4 once this box runs out
- Clothes are anywhere from 6-9 & 6-12 months, depending on the fit. He's a big boy!
- Favorite things are: jolly jumper, jumperoo, excersaucer, playing in his crib - watching his mobile and aquarium, playing with mommy and daddy on this change table, laughing and smiling with mommy and daddy, playing in his highchair, going for walks, baths, sucking on a wet facecloth in his bath and watching Mack and Mya. He loves the dogs and can't wait to play with them.
- Again, not much he doesn't like, which is amazing! He's a very special, happy little baby, and he is growing WAY too fast for me :(

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