Tuesday 21 October 2014

8 Months!!

Happy little man!

'I see you..."

Almost standing in his crib!

This hat didn't stay on long!

First time on a big boy swing! He loved it :)

Enjoying some turkey meatballs, spaghetti and asparagus

Still loves his jolly jumper! Almost too big for it :(

We've had lots of fun this month, and there are big changes with this little fella. He has 4 teeth now! They have all come in with little fuss from him. Hopefully it stays that way! He started drinking from a straw cup too! I picked up a cookie monster cup and tried it out, and he took to it right away. He has it every day with his meals. He's really trying to crawl, but for now just rolls around to wherever he wants to be. He's super strong, and is trying to pull himself up on things. He can do it in his crib, and tries on our headboard and on his toy zebra. He loves trying new foods. We give him 1-2 meals a day. His favourites are broccoli, roasted peppers, asparagus, banana and egg pancakes, meatballs and cantaloupe. We've done lots this month! We are in sign language class. We are practicing lots, and I'm sure he'll start signing back soon :). We are also in mother goose and swimming class. We had our last swimming class today, but we'll still go once a week together. He LOVES swimming. He laughs and splashes and kicks everywhere! We had thanksgiving, went to the corn maze and spent the day at fish creek with daddy. We also get together once a week with the ladies from the baby class and have a potluck lunch. Aaron loves to hang out and play with all his little friends, and I enjoy relaxing and chatting with the ladies. Aaron is still such a happy little man. he loves to babble, yell, sing and laugh. I love spending my days laughing and playing with him!

8 Months
- 22 pounds, 3 ounces
- Mostly size 9-12 month clothes
- Size 4 diapers
- Favorite things: still loves his jolly jumper and excersaucer, playing "where's Aaron", playing on the floor with his toys, driving in the car, walks in the stroller, grocery shopping, babbling to and imitating mommy and daddy, being tickled, drinking water, trying to pet Mya, swimming, being in the carrier with mommy, baths in the big bath tub!
- Not much he doesn't like. He doesn't care to get dressed in his PJ's at night, but I think he's just super tired and ready to go to bed at that point. He also doesn't like when I leave the room sometimes, but that's ok!
- Sleep is always up and down. Some nights he's up 3 times, sometimes only once. Last night he went to bed at 8 and didn't wake up until 530! We are trying to get ready for the time change by putting him to bed later, and he's sleeping in past 7. Naps are getting better too! I have been trying everything to get them to be longer than 30 minutes (lots of car rides and naps in the swing). Fingers crossed it seems to be working. He has lots of 1.5 - 2 hour naps now! Yesterday he had a 3 hour one!

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