Thursday 18 September 2014

7 Months!!


Family Picture

Love this little man so much

Handsome boy

SO happy!

I love this picture so much. You can see how much they love each other

Happy times camping

Enjoying this nightly massage

Look at those legs!

Playing with his duckie in the bath

Not impressed with his first cold

7 Months!!

This month has been great with our little man. The biggest thing is he now has 2 teeth! His 2 bottom ones came in at the end of August. I didn't even know that it was coming through, but then one day I was giving him water out of a glass and I heard it scratching on the glass! Sure enough there was 1 tooth sticking up. A few days later the other one made an appearance. We also went camping this month for 4 days, which was lots of fun. Aaron didn't have the best time sleeping, as he was going through some teething and I think a growth spurt. So we were up lots at night, and went for lots of drives during the day for naps. But when he was awake he was super happy and we had lots of fun!! We have lots planned for the next few months. We are in swimming classes, mother goose at the library and baby sign language classes. We love to get out and do things together. He's still having fun playing with food. He's had lots of different stuff, from veggies, fruit, chicken, salmon and pasta. He seems to really enjoy it! Right now he loves to sit on the floor and play with his toys, and of course still loves his jolly jumper! He finally likes to be in his Ergo carrier! I love it, it's so handy to pop him in there while grocery shopping or going to the park with the dogs. Hopefully he just learns to love it more and more! Unfortunately he got his first cold this month. He has the sniffles, runny nose and a cough. But he seems to be getting over it quickly! He's still just the happiest little man. His smile just brightens our day!

6 Months
- 21 pounds
- Size 4 diapers
- Clothes are mostly 9-12 months
- Favorite things: jumping in his jolly jumper, singing with mommy (especially the Itsy Bitsy Spider), daddy (he LOVES it when daddy comes home, he just gets so happy), baths with daddy, playing with his toys on the floor, car rides, stroller walks, people watching and trying to pet Mya!
- He doesn't much care to get changed any more, and kicks up a bit of a fuss sometimes, which can be really fun, lol. But other than that, there's not a lot that he doesn't like!
- His sleeping is getting better and can be worse (as is normal with babies!). Since he started getting his teeth he seems to be waking anywhere from 1-4 times a night. He usually just nurses for a bit and falls right back to sleep. He is getting better at going to sleep on his own, which is awesome! And naps have there moments. Some are long, but many are just 30 minutes. But it'll just get better (hopefully, LOL).

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