Monday 19 May 2014

3 Months!

Tummy Time!

"Don't touch my bear"

Loves sitting in his highchair to play

Mommy's favorite outfit

In his jolly jumper

Mommy was bored, lol

Awesome hair

Aaron is 3 months old already! He is such a good, content little man that we forget he's only 3 months old. We remember when he gets a little sad face and starts to cry (which is not very often!). He is just the best little man we could ever ask for. He is so happy, and is sleeping really good! He's put himself on quite a little schedule. He's ready for bed between 730-8, wakes once or twice at night for 10-15 minutes, then sleeps until 7 am! He's up at 7 am every day, like an alarm clock.

He is doing so many new things! He loves being in his highchair, picks up toys to play with while in there and loves his jolly jumper. He also LOVES to talk and sing with us, but gets the hiccups when he really starts to laugh or talk lots. Poor little man!

3 Months
- 15 pounds, 11 ounces
- Size 3 diapers
- Size 6 months clothes mostly! He's a big boy! He is even fitting in some 6-9 month stuff!
- Favorite things are baths with daddy, talking and laughing with mommy and daddy, playing in his highchair, his jolly jumper, his nightly massages, sucking on his hands and napping on mommy. He also found himself in the mirror on his play mat. It is so cute to see him lie there smiling at the baby looking back at him!
- He doesn't have many dislikes. He has gotten much better with the carseat - he fusses a bit, but is MUCH better! Lately he doesn't much like being in the wrap carrier with mommy, but we will work on it more, as she really wants him to love it!

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