Friday 18 April 2014

2 Months!!

LOVE his smiles!

All dressed up and nowhere to go

What the heck is that?!?!

Our little man is 2 months already. He is growing so fast. There are clothes that, a few weeks ago,  I though "Oh, we have lots of time for him to wear that", and I go to put them on him and he's too big for them!! He has such a bright personality and we love him more every day. He is still not the best sleeper... goes anywhere from 1 to 3 hour stretches at night, and usually only has 1 long nap during the day if he's sleeping on me. I don't mind the snuggles though, just not getting anything else done! He is smiling SO much, especially in the morning. I could take a million pictures of his beautiful little smile. He is also copying what we do, like sticking out his tongue and making certain noises. He's a smart, happy little baby!

2 Months
- 14 pounds
- Size 2 diapers
- Size 3 month clothes, but is starting to move to 3-6 months!
- Favorite things are being on his change table, especially in the morning. He loves to look out the window. We also get some of the best smiles there :) We will chat and play on there for a long time in the morning. No matter what time of day, he loves to go up there with daddy and laugh and copy him.  He also likes his play mat, swing (has some naps in there and likes to stare at the mobile and mirror above), looking at the paintings in the living room, looking at and feeling a few of his toys, sleeping on mommy. He also likes his massages at night and LOVES getting baths, especially from Daddy. He just relaxes and has the best time!
- Still dislikes the carseat, but it is getting much better. Doesn't like his soother. We've been trying to give it to him to give mommy a break, but he really doesn't care for it.

~ Leah

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