Friday 21 March 2014

1 Month!!

Making funny faces with daddy!

Such a beautiful baby

1 month already!!

I can't believe Aaron is a month old! These few weeks have flown by. The first few weeks were pretty tiring, and Aaron LOVES to eat - all day and all night sometimes. He is a perfect little baby - we love him so much. He is starting to smile, which melts our hearts :). We can't wait till he's smiling and lauging more. John can't wait to play and laugh with him.

1 Month
- 10 pounds 15 ounces
- Size 1 diapers
- Favourite things is eating, playing on the activity mat, getting a massage, playing with daddy and sleeping on mommy
- Hates the carseat, hats, sleeping during the day unless it's on mommy
- Starting to hold his head up, smile and watch the world
- Grunts all the time, and makes the sweetest squeaky noises :)

~ Leah

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