Friday 28 March 2014

5 Days vs 5 Weeks!

This little man is growing SO fast!! We put him in an outfit he wore when he was 5 days old. The onesie is almost too small for him already!! When he was wearing it at 5 days it was  VERY big and baggy, and the pant legs had to be rolled up! Now it all fits, and is almost too small. He is just growing so fast. Last weigh in was 12 pounds, and at his 1 month check up he was in the 90th percentile for height! He's a big boy :)

Monday 24 March 2014

Meeting Grandpa Jim & Grandma Pauline

Grandpa Jim & Grandma Pauline visited this weekend from Nelson. They stayed with us on Friday February 21st & Saturday February 22nd, 2014. Aaron had many snuggles with grandma, and managed to get a few in with grandpa as well. On Saturday night they were here for Aaron's bath and massage, part of our nighttime routine. Aaron loves them both, especially the massage!! He just gets SO relaxed, its adorable. 

Friday 21 March 2014

1 Month!!

Making funny faces with daddy!

Such a beautiful baby

1 month already!!

I can't believe Aaron is a month old! These few weeks have flown by. The first few weeks were pretty tiring, and Aaron LOVES to eat - all day and all night sometimes. He is a perfect little baby - we love him so much. He is starting to smile, which melts our hearts :). We can't wait till he's smiling and lauging more. John can't wait to play and laugh with him.

1 Month
- 10 pounds 15 ounces
- Size 1 diapers
- Favourite things is eating, playing on the activity mat, getting a massage, playing with daddy and sleeping on mommy
- Hates the carseat, hats, sleeping during the day unless it's on mommy
- Starting to hold his head up, smile and watch the world
- Grunts all the time, and makes the sweetest squeaky noises :)

~ Leah