Friday 2 January 2015

Aaron's First Christmas!!

LOTS of pictures for this post! We had such an amazing Christmas this year celebrating with our little man.We did a photoshoot earlier in the month at home for our Christmas cards. It was so much fun and we love how they turned out. We had a Christmas party with the baby class earlier in the month. We did a gift exchange, and Aaron got a Sophie book and a bath toy! We also did a cookie exchange and a potluck. It was super fun! On Christmas Eve, we did our usual tradition of going to the Christmas pageant, followed by McDonalds and Bad Santa after Aaron went to bed. On Christmas morning, we opened presents at our house. Aaron got lots of books, a bath toy, a see and pull toy, egg carton toys, stacking cups and a new hoodie from mommy, daddy and Santa. Then after his nap we went to Johns moms. We opened up lots of presents there too! Aaron got a ninja turtle, a few shirts from the gap, a personalized book, a few other toys and books. Everyone was there - Auntie Sara, Uncle Michael and his family and grandma and grandpa. We went home for a nap, then went back for dinner. Aaron enjoyed everything we had for dinner. Then we relaxed and he played around with his cousins, Auntie Sarah and mommy and daddy for the night. Then we went home and he went right to bed. He was a tired out little man from a busy Christmas day!!

Aaron and his first Christmas tree!

Aaron with all his little friends

Most of the ladies from the baby group!

Intrigued by the wrapping paper

Reading the tiniest little book with mommy

Aaron with his cousins


Our family

Love his little Christmas sweater!

The table for Christmas dinner!

Paper crown from the cracker!!

Our first homemade Christmas ornaments. This will be a yearly tradition :)

BIT Christmas tree at the church for Alyssa's pageant

Visiting Grandpa!

Aaron's first time meeting Santa!!

Our Christmas pictures we did at home. So fun!!

10 Months!!!

Happy exploring man

The face of teething :(

10 Months!

Playing with water on a snowy day!

Standing man

Love the gap in his teeth!

He LOVES these carts :)

Enjoying a winter walk

Big boy at the restaurant

Enjoying his dinner

Once again, I'm a bit late to post this! We've been so busy with the holidays that I couldn't find the time. This month has been super fun with Christmas preparations and celebrations. We've gotten out to do lots lately. We've gone to the zoo again! This time was totally different as Aaron can now really understand that we are looking at these crazy animals! We were there over 2 hours as he was totally into watching the animals. It was so amazing to just stand back and watch him. We also went to the science centre. Lots for him to look at. We can't wait to take him back when he's a bit older, as there is so much for him to see and do there. We also meet up weekly with the ladies from the baby class. Aaron loves to play with his little friends. We've been getting out lots, going Christmas shopping and lots of trips to stores. He loves to ride in the carts and say hi to people. It's lots of fun! Aaron got 2 new teeth this month! That brings the total to 6! We had a few rough nights with some crying, but overall he did good! He's still a super happy, fun little man. We had an amazing Christmas as well. I'll do a separate post for all that :). He is starting to talk as well! He says mama, dada and tries to say the dogs names and dog all the time. AND he puts his arms up when you ask him how big he is. It's so cute. He pulls himself everywhere, and makes his way onto his knees to crawl, takes a few steps, then back onto his belly! He gets to where he wants to though. He's getting better at standing, and has learned to go from lying down to sitting up!

10 Months
- 23 pounds 5 Oz
- Mostly 12-18 month clothes
- Size 4 diapers

Favourite things are going out to stores and riding in the carts, especially the car carts and Home Depot. MOMMY. He loves mommy and whenever I'm in the room he wants to be with me. Most of the time I have to sit with him and play. He'll happily play alone when it's just him and daddy, but as soon as he sees me he whines and wants to be with me. He also likes to try to get the dogs (they are so good with him), he enjoys to try to get the dogs water and food, walks in the stroller, sleeping in (he sleeps until 9 most days!!), singing in his crib in the morning and laughing and playing with daddy and LOVES bath time with daddy!

He doesn't care for getting dressed for bed. We often have to give him a special toy to play with to keep him happy, lol.

Sleep has been really good, and really bad due to teething and a cold. Most nights he's up 1-4 times to nurse, and goes right back to sleep. But, a few nights we had LOTS of crying to go to sleep, and lots of waking up crying. We felt so bad for him. He takes 2 naps a day, usually 2-3 hours apart. Sometimes the last nap is a bit tricky, but we know he still needs it. He still naps in his swing, but we are working towards getting him into his crib for naps. He'll fall asleep just fine in the crib, but it usually only last 30 minutes :(