Wednesday 3 December 2014

9 Months!!

I'm this big!!!

Just wanted to eat the chalkboard the whole time!!

Big boy bath with his favourite ducky and his bubble machine!

Exploring man!

So sweet :)

The 6 stages of a poop ;)

One of his favourite toys... his drumstick!

It's been a great month! I'm a bit late to add this post, as we've been keeping busy. Aaron has been trying so hard to crawl. He gets on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth, but just can't go yet. He does manage to get all around the house by pulling himself and pushing with his feet. We had to baby proof the whole house this month, and turned the front room into a playroom for him! Aaron is such a happy little man, we just laugh and play all day. He is so funny... he does a "schrunchie" face when he's a little bit upset, but now has started to do it all the time just for fun. It's hilarious. I'll add a picture of it on next months post. He learned how to play peek-a-boo, and waves hello and goodbye. He says hi, mom, mama, and sometimes dada. The monthly pictures this month were not super successful, as he just wanted to get the chalkboard so bad!! We've been busy the last little while, he LOVES to go shopping and sit in the big cart and say hi to people, so I try to get out with him as much as I can. We meet up with the baby class every week and he has fun playing with the other babies. Grandpa Jim and Grandma Pauline also came by for a visit this month!

9 Months:
- 23 pounds
- Mostly 12 month clothes
- Size 4 diapers

- Favorite things: his drumstick, saying hi and talking to people in stores. We get compliments the whole time from everyone about how happy and cute he is! He just beams such a huge smile to everyone! He loves to roll around the house and explore it all, especially the dog food and water. He loves playing peek-a-boo, signing and dancing with mommy, petting Mya, talking first thing in the morning to mommy, playing in bed with Daddy in the morning, standing and playing with his play table. He still loves to bounce, but is almost too big for his jolly jumper. He loves food too! He's doing really good eating lately and seems to enjoy it. He also loves to throw his water cup off his highchair whenever he can. He has lots of fun in the bath! He is not in his seat anymore, and just sits and splashes and splashes. He also watches the bubbles from his machine and plays with duckie.
- The only thing I can think of that he doesn't like is when I leave the room sometimes. He sure loves his mommy, and for a couple of seconds after I leave he is quite upset!
- Sleep can be very good, and not great, LOL. He's been REALLY good at putting himself to sleep, which is amazing. Most nights lately I can nurse him, and lie him in the crib and he rolls around for a bit and falls asleep. Sometimes he cries a bit and I go in and nurse a bit more. This is SO MUCH better then before. He's up anywhere from 1-4 times a night for a few minutes to nurse, but goes right back down. He sleeps for about 12 hours at night! He's taking 2 naps a day. The last one lately has been only 30 minutes, but it's better than nothing! He still naps in his swing, and the first nap is anywhere from 1.5-3 hours! We'll need to transition him to napping in his crib soon, as he's almost outgrown the swing :(

Aaron's First Halloween!!

Here are a bunch of pictures from Aaron's first Halloween! We had so much fun dressing him up and showing off our cute little monkey. John always calls Aaron his little monkey man, so we thought it would be perfect to dress him up as a monkey. I wanted to get him 4 different costumes, but I held back and just stuck with the 1. We got together with the ladies form the baby group for a Halloween potluck and all the babies dressed up. We were going to take a picture of them all in their cute costumes, but they all had a meltdown at the same time!! On Halloween we went to grandpa and grandma's house for Aaron's first trick or treating experience. When we got home we went to the neighbour's houses, mostly because I wanted to show off how cute he is!!! :)

Talking on his banana phone!

Monkey bum!