Monday 18 August 2014

6 Months!!

Still loves his baths

Playing in the camper

Out for a beautiful hike

Passed out at the end of the hike 

Having a great time camping!

Always so happy :)

I was so excited that I could finally do these pictures now that he is sitting!

First time having food! He enjoyed banana and broccoli 

"Um... what is this??"

Being super cute on the front lawn

LOVES his little blankie. He snuggles with it all night <3

We can't believe this little man is half a year old already! 6 months ago we were filled with excitement and anticipation to meet him. 6 months ago we were sitting in the hospital room, after being in labour for 27 hours, and we were getting to know this special little person. It just goes so fast. 
This last month has felt like a big one! He has learned to sit up, started "eating" food, blows raspberries, babbles so much, says "mama" (for months now, when he is upset or almost crying he says "mama-mama-mum-mum" - I'm sure he's a genius) and is just growing and learning so much. We have been going to mother goose classes at the library, and he loves to watch everyone and intently listens to the leader read and sing. He really enjoys our time there! We also took our first family trip to the zoo with daddy! It was so much fun and we plan on going there lots. He started sitting about 2 weeks ago. He just "got it" one day (we practiced every morning), and is very strong and stable now. We've been camping a few times, and he seems to enjoy that. My favourite part is that I get to share one of the beds with him. I love waking up to his sweet little face in the morning :). We started offering him food as well. We are following "baby led weaning", meaning we give him nutritious food for him to explore and play with, and he will learn to feed himself. Breast feeding will be his primary food for now. On his "birthday" we gave him his first bites - banana and broccoli. He really liked it! We are excited to start this new adventure with him! We also had our first trip to Heritage Park! We went on the boat, which he loved. He really likes to watch people and just takes in everything around him. We love him sooooo much and can't wait to see what the next 6 months bring!

6 Months
- 19 pounds 12 ounces
- Size 4 diapers
- Still in anywhere from 6-12 month clothes
- Favorite things are his jolly jumper, watching the dogs and trying to grab and play with Mya, playing and laughing with mommy and daddy (but mommy can make him laugh much better, lol), sitting, blowing raspberries and bubbles, babbling loud, his blankie, car and stroller rides, observing the world and people watching, singing nursery rhymes and listening to his Tom Cochrane "Unplugged" CD, lol
- Right now he really doesn't care to lie on the floor, and he doesn't love his play mat anymore. He used to love it so much, but now he will lie on it for a minute or so, but then he's done. So much more to see and do! 
- His sleeping is doing pretty good! He sleeps from 7 or 8 PM to 7 AM, waking 1-4 times a night. Right now when he wakes, he just nurses for 5-10 minutes and goes right back to sleep. Naps are still tricky. His first one is good and long, usually in his swing. The others are usually only 30 minutes. But we are working on it!