Friday 27 June 2014

4 Months!!

Such a cute little man

Camping fun!

Napping on mommy

4 months!!

Relaxing in the trailer

Playing in the go pod while camping

Loves his fingers :)

Still enjoys his nightly massage :) He's getting so strong!

Our little man turned 4 months! We truly love him more and more every day. He brings so much laughter and happiness to us. He is so smart and strong (of course we think so, LOL)! He is such an easy little man to take care of. He's been on pretty much the same schedule for a while now, but he sometimes wakes a few times at night. Mostly he just wants a bit of love and snuggles and food, and will go right back to sleep. Naps are still not easy, but he naps well in his swing, stroller and on mommy's lap still. That's fine, I still love the snuggles!! We have been busy camping, which Aaron seems to enjoy. He gets lots of time with mommy & daddy, goes for lots of walks and spends time outside. He LOVES his hands and fingers, and putting anything he can in his mouth. He also curls his little toes up - its so adorable! He loves to laugh and sings along to lots of songs. His absolute favourite thing is his jolly jumper! He loves it so much! He jumps and spins and just has the best time. We bought him a jumperoo yesterday so he can have more time jumping and playing! 

4 Months
- 18 pounds, 2 ounces (OMG SERIOUSLY?!?!)
- Size 3 diapers
- 6-9 month clothes, but some of them are starting to get tight!
- Favorite things are: being in his jolly jumper, laughing and playing with us while lying on his change table, playing with his toys in his high chair, hit nightly massage, bath time (he's almost ready for the big bathtub!), putting everything in his mouth, stroller walks, sitting on our laps and laughing while we sing and make funny faces and pretend to eat him (num num num!)
- I can't think of much he doesn't like! He goes through phases of corse, and some days he hates his swing, then the next he loves it. But in general he is just so happy! We couldn't have asked for a better baby :)

Monday 16 June 2014

First Father's Day

We celebrated John's first fathers day this last Sunday, on June 15th. He had been gone for the previous week, doing training in Little Rock, Arkansas. We missed him so much!! I was super excited to plan a great day for John, and had lots of fun doing a picture project with Aaron, and getting John all sorts of goodies. He deserves it, he's such a great daddy and he loves Aaron so much!! We went to John's mom's for dinner and celebrated with Ross as well!

Mug I had made with pictures of Aaron and John

Love all these pictures of them :)

Super cute idea I got from Pinterest


Pen with a picture  of John & Aaron

Superdad card!!

First Camping Trip!!

We took our first family camping trip on May 23-25, 2014. We were so excited to take Aaron out to do something we love with him, and can't wait to have this family time with him lots. There was still piles of snow around the campsite, and the lake was mostly frozen over still, but it was not too cold out. We had lots of walks and Aaron's first campfire! Mya and Mack were there, and we all had a great time! Aaron did great adjusting to being in the trailer, and slept pretty good at night. 

Relaxing on Mommy & Daddy's bed

Chilling with daddy

Our site

Had to put the snow suit on!!

First campfire!

Enjoying daddy's finger